Welcome to the next phase of your PFL Journey, Admin!

We are so excited for you to be moving into the next phase of your membership with NLBM. Now that you have successfully navigated through the process to become a Personal Family Lawyer® or LIFTed Advisor (aka: Family Business Lawyer™) we will continue to work with you to build your practice. Building your practice the Personal Family Lawyer way is an investment and commitment in becoming a different kind of lawyer; one that serves, cares and truly makes a difference in the lives of clients. We’re here to support you each step of the way. The world needs the special expertise that you have! All of the details of how to get started on your pathway to success are below.

Watch this Orientation Video

If after you watch the orientation video above you find you still have questions or would like additional 1:1 support, we’re here for you! Reach out to your Practice Management Advisor by emailing support@newlawbusinessmodel.com 

Getting Started


Unlimited Support Ticketing

offering you the opportunity to connect directly with our Support Concierges and have your urgent questions addressed via email.

delivering an interactive environment that promotes additional community support and communication with other member lawyers and NLBM staff.
providing assistance from other member lawyers, NLBM staff, and Law Mentors with regard to program content and homework.
granting continued access to all of the group calls you were provided as part of our Life & Legacy Planning. You will also get access to additional group coaching calls with Ali Katz, our other Law Business Mentors.

Attend Upcoming Special Programs & Events

Creating Connection Through Conscious Communication (C4) - Winter 2022

This six-session, fully virtual intensive course will help you experience massive improvement in your ability to meaningfully connect and communicate with others, yourself, and the world around you.


Course Details: